Historic Property Redevelopment Reference Library
Below is a list of publications, videos, and other information related to historic property redevelopment, revolving loan funds, easements, and more. Where possible, links to PDFs or websites are provided; others are available for purchase. Have a resource you would like to see added to the list? Email it (or a link or citation) to the Director.
Howard, J. Myrick (2023). Buying Time for Heritage: How to Save an Endangered Historic Property. University of North Carolina Press.
National Trust for Historic Preservation (2006). Preservation Revolving Funds, Preservation Books.
National Trust for Historic Preservation (2014). Preservation Revolving Funds, Preservation Basics Series.
National Trust for Historic Preservation (2014). Get Real About Real Estate, Forum Journal, Vol. 29, No. 1.
Sroufe, Robert, Craig Stevenson, and Beth Eckenrode (2019). The Power of Existing Buildings: Save Money, Improve Health, and Reduce Environmental Impacts, Island Press.
Davis, Brian (December 2018). “Revolving funds: saving those “problem” properties,” Preservation in Print.
Gillette, Vicki (1997). “Expanding the Pie: Capitalizing Revolving Fund Loans for Historic Preservation Programs,” Forum Journal, Vol. 12(1).
Howard, J. Myrick (2007). “Preservation Revolving Funds: Then and Now,” Forum Journal, Vol. 13(3).
Howard, J. Myrick (1997). “Revolving One Revolves Many More,” Forum Journal, Vol. 12(1).
Howard, J. Myrick (Summer 1989). “Critical Issues: Using a Revolving Fund for Downtown Preservation,” Forum Journal, Vol. 3(2).
Howard, J. Myrick (1980). “Revolving Funds in the Vanguard of the Preservation Movement,” North Carolina Central Law Review, Vol. 11: No. 2, Article 11. Also available here.
Lutzker, Susan and Lyn Howell Moriarity (1992). “Preservation Revolving Funds; Whole Places, New Possibilities,” Forum Journal, Vol. 6(3)
Lutzker, Susan and Lyn Howell Moriarity (1997). “Eight Tips for a Successful Revolving Fund,” Forum Journal, Vol. 12(1).
Phelps, Jess R. (2016). “Reevaluating the Role of Acquisition-Based Strategies in the Greater Historic Preservation Movement,” Virginia Environmental Law Journal, Vol. 34: 399-456.
Preservation League of New York State (1977). “Guidelines for Establishing a Local Preservation Revolving Loan Fund“, Technical Series, No. 4.
Rogers, Josh (2014). “The Power of the Pro Forma,” Forum Focus, National Trust for Historic Preservation.
Smith, Stanley M. (1997). “Making a Revolving Fund Work,” Forum Journal, Vol. 12(1).
Revolving Fund Impact Report (2013). In Collaboration with the National Trust for Historic Preservation, The 1772 Foundation, and SCAD.
Lang, Gillian (2016). “The Revolving Fund Model in Scotland and the United States: History, Challenges, and Possibilities,” Dissertation for MSc in Architectural Conservation, University of Edinburgh.
Mitchell, Olivia (2011). “An Evaluation of Historic Preservation Revolving Loan Funds, and Recommendations for the Establishment of Future Programs,” Masters Thesis, University of Pennsylvania, PA.
The Revolving Fund, 2014. Produced by the National Trust for Historic Preservation and The 1772 Foundation. Created by the Savannah College of Art and Design. The video provides an overview of what a revolving loan fund is, how it works, and the economic impacts. Projects from around the country demonstrate the power of this approach.
The Georgia Trust Revolving Fund, 2022. Produced by the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation and explains how their fund works, highlighting a few of their projects.
The New York City Historic Properties Fund, 2022. Produced by the New York Landmarks Conservancy, this video was created in honor of the Fund’s 40th anniversary and highlights projects over four decades.