Join Today
NPPN is your nonprofit preservation professional community. Membership provides access to a network of peers, professional development, knowledge sharing, and advocacy for national preservation issues. Join us to become part of a growing family of more than 115 local, regional, state, and national organization members.

Why Join?
Members enjoy easy access to peers throughout the country. Opportunities to network through Affinity Group calls, learning via webinar or in-person retreats, or chatting on Slack are just some of the ways to connect, get advice from trusted sources, and share successes. Benefits include:
- Organizational membership extends to the entire staff
- Find your community of peers
- Access to Affinity Group conversations
- Most webinars and virtual workshops are free for members
- Discounted registration for in-person retreats and meetings
- Monthly newsletter
- Access to members-only resources, including the bi-annual Organizational Survey and Report with salary and benefits information, webinar archive, nonprofit management tools, and more
- Enrollment in the NPPN listserv
- Eligibility for NPPN Board
- Eligibility for NPPN Committees
- Eligibility for the Moe Family Fund for Statewide and Local Partners grant from the National Trust for Historic Preservation
- Join with the online form or complete this PDF enrollment form and return by mail or email.
- Membership is managed on a rolling basis, so you can join any time of the year
“I think belonging to NPPN is the best money we have spent on memberships.”
Trish Neal, Preservation Alaska
Membership Categories
There are several levels of membership to accommodate a range of organizations. Need help deciding which one is right for your organization? Feel free to reach out to the Executive Director. Read more about NPPN and the sliding scale for Organizational Membership here.
For non-profit organizations with preservation as a primary mission or core value.
Sliding Scale $250-$1,500
For organizations that are in the early stages of development, seeking to hire staff, or working to formalize activities with preservation as a core purpose.
An individual that has been involved in nonprofit preservation work during their career, but is no longer employed by a partner (member or prospective member) organization.
We’re here for you. Organizations that desire to participate in the Network but are experiencing financial challenges.