Board and Staff
The National Preservation Partners Network (NPPN) is managed by a volunteer Board of Directors comprised of representatives of member organizations and supported six committees and the Executive Director. Board members are elected each spring, and all NPPN members are eligible for the board and the committees. As an organization of, and for our members, it is important to us that the board and committees represent the broad range of organizations that comprise our field. Interested in learning more or joining the board? Feel free to contact any of the individuals below to learn more.
Board: April 2024 – April 2025

Renee Kuhlman
Senior Director of Outreach and Support
National Trust Rep.
Interested in joining the board? Link to application here. Email completed form to the Director.
Advocacy & Education, Chair, Vincent Michael, Conservation Society of San Antonio
Communications, Chair, Cindy Olnick, Cindy Olnick Communications
Finance, Chair, Catherine Stroh, Colorado Historical Foundation
Governance, Chair, Samantha Bosshart, Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation
Membership & Development, Chair, Jim McPherson, Arizona Preservation Foundation

Kim Trent
Executive Director
Kim Trent is a leader in the historic preservation community nationally. She has spent three decades creating solutions for reusing historic resources to meet community needs. Through her work with Knox Heritage; her mentoring of preservationists and preservation organizations across the country; assisting developers with accessing financial incentives for historic properties; and serving on the Board of Trustees of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Kim has gained the reputation for being a problem solver, relationship builder and savvy advocate for historic preservation.
She served for 15 years as the executive director of Knox Heritage, the non-profit historic preservation organization for the 16-county region encompassing Knoxville, Tennessee. She brings a diverse background to her current role, including experience in journalism, community organizing, community development banking, public relations and non-profit management. She has worked in historic preservation professionally and as a community volunteer and advocate at the local, state and national level and is a proponent of preservation-based community and economic development. She is a native of Mobile, Alabama, and a graduate of the University of Alabama.