A room full of people sitting at round tables actively talking and discussing community planning.

Photo credit: Vincent Michael


The National Preservation Partners Network advances the growth and effectiveness of the organized preservation movement through communication, education, training, and a common advocacy agenda.

We are a membership-based, independent association of non-profit organizations from across the United States and Territories working in the broad field of historic preservation and heritage conservation.


The National Preservation Partners Network (NPPN) is the outcome of nearly two years of discussion amongst preservation leaders, stakeholders, and funders from across the country to establish an independent organization to lead and advance the growth and effectiveness of the organized preservation movement through communication, education, training, and a common advocacy agenda. 

The creation of this independent organization of, and for, member organizations encapsulates the evolution of the organized preservation movement in the United States. Many of the robust network of local, regional, and state historic preservation and allied organizations that work effectively across the nation were encouraged and strengthened by the support and leadership of the National Trust for Historic Preservation (NTHP). The NTHP worked with and supported state and local preservation organizations for more than forty years, first through its Membership Organization Program, then through the Statewide and Local Partners Program.

In 2015, discussions began on forming a new independent organization based on the Statewide and Local Partners Program model. It became apparent that the number, capacity, and strength of the individual partner organizations had grown and that the preservation community would be well-served by an independent organization of peers that could directly design and deliver needed programs and services, foster communication, and promote collective advocacy. At the 2017 Spring Meeting in Seattle, a new structure for a partners network debuted, the National Preservation Partners Network. From there the organization grew, was officially incorporated on July 1, 2018, and awarded 501(c)(3) certification by the Internal Revenue Service on July 3, 2019. This collaborative effort of supporting all preservation organizations increases efficiency and strengthens both members and the larger preservation movement. Our network of partners shares the beliefs and principles that preservation is about preserving places that consider, represent, and engage this diverse nation.