Now berthed in Boston Harbor and open for tours, the Nantucket Lightship/LV-112 is being restored with support from donations and grants.

Many preservation projects are successful due to the generous support of grant funders. Below is a list of organizations that have grant programs.

The 1772 Foundation

Grants are available to organizations that are exploring the idea of starting a historic properties redevelopment program (HPRP, sometimes known as a revolving fund), expanding an existing HPRP, and capital projects. The Foundation also has partnerships with the New England statewide preservation organizations for additional granting programs. Visit their website to learn more.

Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)

The IMLS has a number of granting programs, many of which overlap with projects undertaken by historic preservation organizations.

National Center for Preservation Technology & Training (NCPTT)

The NCPTT grants program “provides funding for innovative research that develops new technologies or adapts existing technologies to preserve cultural resources. Grant recipients undertake innovative research and produce technical reports which respond to national needs in the field of historic preservation.”

National Park Service

The National Park Service has a variety of granting programs. To view the programs currently accepting applications, see the link above.

African American Civil Rights Grants

Battlefield Land Acquisition Grants, Battlefield Preservation Planning Grants, Battlefield Interpretation Grants, Battlefield Restoration Grants

Disaster Recovery Grants

Historically Black Colleges & Universities

History of Equal Rights

Maritime Heritage Grants

Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grant

Save America’s Treasures

Semiquincentennial Grants

Tribal Heritage Grants

Underrepresented Community Grants

National Trust for Historic Preservation

The National Trust has a wide variety of grants for preservation planning, historic interiors, and capital projects. Be sure to visit the link above for the full list. A examples few are highlighted below.

African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund

Johanna Favrot Fund

Hart Family Fund for Small Towns

Intervention Fund

Cynthia Woods Mitchell Fund for Historic Interiors

Peter H. Brink Leadership Fund

Preservation Funds (typically three rounds a year)

USDA Rural Development